News 2022+


John Saile &
Stephen Calhoun

Doubting Thomas Gallery
656 Jefferson
Tremont (Cleveland) Ohio

opens June 14, 5pm
open Saturdays June 15/22/29, noon-4pm
open Sunday June 23, noon-5pm
artist’s talk & workshop ($15)
Saturday, June 29, noon-3pm

STEPHEN CALHOUN #experimental #self-taught #cleveland #photographer #iterative_artist #generative_artist #experiential_art #reflective_practice #lifelong_creativity


June 1, 2024

On August 11 I will be supplying iPhone cinema loops for a one day salon of mixed and multi-media and 3d artists, and, poets and writers, at the invitation of artist/curator Sarah Wisely Croley. This event spins off with a group show that will run July 3 through September 7.

opens Wednesday July 3
closes Saturday September 7
reception & salon: Sunday, August 11, 1-3pm

Art Gallery at The Beachwood Community Center
25325 Fairmount Blvd.
Beachwood, OH

Her Dahlia System #1 - Stephen calhoun  

May 31, 2024

 Two, maybe even three, artworks with floral subjects will be my answer to the invitation of curator/gallerist Sean Mabin. He’s looking to fill his intimate art gallery with Nothing But Flowers!

Nothing But Flowers
opens Friday, June 08 6-10pm
closes Friday June 28

Prama Artspace & gallery
5411 Pearl Rd
Parma, Ohio

Crooked Section - Stephen Calhoun  

May 3, 2024

Painter/printmaker/digital artist John Saile and I present Luxuries of Being at The Doubting Thomas Gallery. This duo exhibit is at the moment my biggest splash on the dance card for 2024. It’s a roomy bohemian space so I’m planning on combining new work with a mini-retrospective, looping video, a light box, and recent experiments in printing to African Mahogany veneer.

For my good friend John’s part, he will be presenting a slew of new painting+printmaking works to canvas.

We’ll be talking about our art June 29 at noon and this will be followed by a workshop at 1:30pm; ($15.) My workshops always end with participants receiving a printable collaborative artwork made together on the spot. Space is limited. Register by email.

Luxuries of Being
opens Friday, June 14 6-10pm
open Saturday June 8/15/22 noon-4pm
June 29: artist’s talk + workshop ($15) noon-3pm
closes Sunday June 30

Doubting Thomas Gallery
856 Jefferson Avenue
Tremont Arts District
Cleveland, OH

Wisdom Seat - Stephen Calhoun  

April 30, 2024

An iterated photograph printed to veneer, Wisdom Seat has been juried into the group exhibit Mirrored Perspective: The Art of Reflection at a new Cleveland Gallery, Understory Art Cleveland. I especially thrilled because my art practices are essentially centered by both the concrete sense of reflection and the psychological sense of reflection. In the latter case this additionally refers to my background in adult learning theory and experiential learning, both of which are anchored to reflection in its cognitive manifestation.

Mirrored Perspective: The Art of Reflection
opens May 15, 5pm
closes June 21, after 3rd Friday.

Suite 019, lower level
W.78th Street Art Complex       
1300 W. 78th Street
Cleveland, OH


April 10, 1014 2024

I was delighted to learn Bina, a friend’s daughter,  offered up my small circular piece Carnival Button to the group exhibit Art of the Trade 2: Artists Collecting Artists. I gave the artwork to her years ago when she was 7 years old.

Art of the Trade: Artists Collecting Artists 2
open Friday, April 12 6-10pm
closes Saturday May 4

Doubting Thomas Gallery
856 Jefferson Avenue
Tremont Arts District
Cleveland, OH


March 11, 2024

A new page about studio visits and workshops is now live. The cinema page and ai-art pages are temporarily unavailable.

Did you know all the various nodes on my network including social media, print-on-demand partners and international partners are aggregated at a linktree page:

Stephen Calhoun:linktree

Recently I have joined both @threads and BlueSky ( @threads I’m concentrating on art.

Head shot is brand new and from a slew of great photographs the brilliant Jack Valancy shot recently.

Ever Be - Stephen Calhoun



March 1, 2024

Once again I am honored to volunteer an artwork, Ever Be, into this year’s member’s show of the Artists Archives of the Western Reserve.

The AAWR provides curated archiving services to current and past Cleveland area artists. The organization’s mission is to preserve the legacy of Cleveland artists who have been asked to have select works archives. Additionally, another key element of their mission is to present curated exhibitions and educational programs focused on regional artists. more info

2024 Member’s Show, AAWR
opens 5:30pm Friday, March 1 — May 3, 2024 (closing reception)

Artists Archive of the Western Reserve
1834 East 123rd Street
Cleveland, Ohio




December 15, 2023

I am super excited to kick off 2024 with a group show that aims to highlight some of the best collaborative images created by 21 of the participants of two workshops I gave in the fall. The workshops were designed to demonstrate and teach the bare bones of how I build set-ups in small containers. These set-ups provide the subjects for photographs and their subsequent manipulation. Using an iPhone some manipulations were demonstrated during the workshops.

Later, I fashioned completed works from the numerous very ripe outputs of the original collaboration. Thirty or so small artworks make up this show. Together they showcase lots of variety and lots of collaborative verve. Among the collaborators were artists and non-artists — although the latter group are artists for the purpose of this show.

Finally, this is the first time I have integrated my background in adult experiential learning  with a group project. This was bound to happen at some point!

(depicted is a collaboration between Ann Bort & Stephen Calhoun)

When Everybody Is An Artist
opens Friday, January 5, 2023
February 2, 2024
(Walk All Over Waterloo 1st Fridays)

by appt: (216) 220-9974

Maria Neil Art Project
15517 Waterloo Rd
The Gold Building
Waterloo Arts District
Cleveland, OH 44110



October 11, 2023

Curator, colleague, Cleveland Photo Fest maven, friend Laura D’Alessandro has invited an artwork I gave her in a trade to represent the transaction in an upcoming group show Art of the Trade: Artists Collecting Artists. It takes place at the lovely bohemian art outpost, The Doubting Thomas Gallery. The show is part of The Cleveland Photo Fest. I have provided a second artwork, Owlchemy.

Art of the Trade: Artists Collecting Artists
open Friday, October 13. 6-10pm

Doubting Thomas Gallery
856 Jefferson Avenue
Tremont Arts District
Cleveland, OH



October 1, 2023

I’m honored to have been invited for a fourth time to provide art works for a group show at Worthington Yards by Yards Project curator Liz Maugans. The exhibit, Stranger Things, promises to bring together nothing but ‘far out,’ down-the-rabbit-hole, art works. For my own part I have given to the show three artworks of new media wildness, each of which has some A.I. prompt art in their making.

Yard Project Presents Stranger Things
October 19—November 18, 2023

Worthington Yards
725 Johnson Ct
Cleveland, Ohio

open: October 19 | 5:30-8:00pm


  September 12, 2023

The Skull & Skeleton group show is a biennial treat curated by the indefatigable Mary Urbas. The exhibit centers the artistic Halloween season by providing a scary/weird/over-the-edge collection that takes over the large Gallery at Lakeland. This time around I have chisen pieces from my ongoing AI prompt art conceptual project, Weedlandia.

The Skull and Skeleton in Art VIII
Folk Art to Pop Culture

September 21 – November 3, 2023
The Gallery At Lakeland
Lakeland Community College
Kirtland, Ohio

reception: October 26 | 6-9pm | costumes!!!
Stephen Calhoun studio 2023  

September 7, 2023

A second interactive workshop, associated with my solo show will unfold at Gallery 202 at W.78th Street art complex on Saturdau October 7. It uses the same model of collaborative and experiential learning the workshop at the AAWR uses. In this instance I will haul a rich collection of various materials from my studio to fuel the collaborative creation of source set-ups. These will be informally and (somewhat!) formally photographed, manipulated and shown back to the group. Participants will later receive images finished in my studio.


October 7, 2023 noon-2pm

Gallery 202
Suite 202
W.78th Street Art Complex       
1300 W. 78th Street
Cleveland, OH
reserve via phone 216.407-3685



September 4, 2023

Kathy Skerritt, the last Cleveland painter, was not only a close friend, she was the person whose mentoring was the most critical to my figuring out what it is to be a late blooming artist. Additionally, we enjoyed each other’s art and art practices, and we both did the wondrous and necessary deep dive that is the foundation of taking any artist very seriously.

In 2019 she gave me bags of sorted-by-color acrylic paint chips. These fragments and shards were scraped off of some of her paintings over many years. As she told me at the time, “I knew she was saving these for this reason, to gift you with them.

With the help of my colleague Kelly Pontoni, we figured out one way to redeploy the chips. To this end I am excited to announce the ‘Skerritt chips’ will make up the material basis for a collaborative workshop at the Artists Archives of the Western Reserve, Beyond Abstraction, and also joins their ongoing series Art Bits.

My background in experiential learning, adult and organizational development underpins the interactive process through which participants will be shown the simple means for iterating source images. Then, together, we will create various sources in boxes and circular containers and then submit them for manipulation and iteration using an iPad and iPhone. Finally, I will finish the images in my digital studio and provide artworks to the participants. Spaces are limited.

Art Bits: Beyond Abstraction
September 30, 2023 1-3pm

Artists Archive of the Western Reserve
1834 East 123rd Street
Cleveland, Ohio

reserve via eventbrite


Stephen Calhoun - Angelic Red Page  

September 1, 2023

Seven large photographic artworks, and one radially iterated generative artwork constitute the first Cleveland solo exhibit of such sizable works since 2016-2017. (Six of the pieces were exhibited last summer at The Mansfield Art Center.)

A Large Transmission unfolds for five weeks at Gallery 202 at [W] 78th Street. I am pleased and honored to enjoy the support of the Gallery 202 crew, and was happy to be on the roster of their predecessor Ramparts.

The artworks represent a big portion of the creme of my output from the pandemic chapter 2020-2021. Along with two older pieces and  a single artwork from 2022 this show is an apt portrayal of my immersive aims

opens Friday September 15, 2-9pm — through October 21
3rd Friday, October 20 2-9pm
Wednesday 4-7pm
Saturday 12-4pm
Fridays (other than 3rd Fridays) 12-5pm

Gallery 202
Suite 202
W.78th Street Art Complex       
1300 W. 78th Street
Cleveland, OH



August 31, 2023

The Cleveland Photo Fest is back in action with a group show and six feature exhibits.

A single piece of mine, Four Learning Field Functions, has been provided for its large group exhibit.

Cleveland Photo Fest ’23
Bostwicki Design Initiative
2731 Prospect E
Cleveland, Ohio 44106


Knysna Blue Welcome - Stephen Calhoun  

July 7, 2023

Prominent Cleveland curator Mary Urbas asked 27 Cleveland artists to supply “really big art” for an ambitious group show stretched between four different venues. My artwork, Knysna Blue Welcome will be installed as part The Biggest Big @ss @rt Show at The Gallery at Lakeland. Although the piece is 4×7 feet, and is the second largest artwork I’ve produced over nine years, it will be one of the smallest pieces in The BIGGEST Big @ss @rt Show. I’m really looking forward to what my colleagues come up with.

The Big @ss @rt Show

July 7-August 23, 2023
Valley Arts Center
Chagrin Falls, Ohio

July 13-August 26, 2023
The Artist Archives of the Western Reserve
University Circle
Cleveland, Ohio

July 14-August 14, 2023
Bay Village, Ohio

July 23-September 8, 2023
The BIGGEST Big @ss @rt Show
The Gallery at Lakeland
Lakeland Community College
Kirtland, Ohio

opens at 2pm with a presentation by various NEO art institution leaders


Navigators Travel In Circles of Time - Stephen Calhoun  

July 7, 2023

Much to my delight, Navigators Travel In Circles of Time was selected by potter Diane Pinchot to be among the artworks in an exhibit, The Art We Live With. The group show features works from Article’s studio artists and from their own collections.

I learned of my own participation on July 7th, the first Friday on which Walk All over Waterloo takes places. The exhibit will also be open to the public August 5.

15316 Waterloo Rd,
Cleveland, OH 44110


Ostrich Strategies  

June 12, 2023

Seventy artists were asked to provide an artistic statement using an ostrich egg so that, in turn, the Artist Archives of the Western Reserve could fund raise by selling a token for a spot in an egg hunt. The jaw dropping collection of ostrich eggs then was made available for each egg hunter to claim an egg after completing the hunt within the confines of the famous Lakeview Cemetery.

The egg I was charged to convert into a masterpiece instead became the only conceptual artwork in the collection. My green ugly duckling did use a beautiful glass pipe stand as a pedestal yet its aim was to find someone to operate it. What was the operation? I filled my egg with over ninety strips of paper, each with a unique advisory, aphorism, or quotation. Tweezers are used to extract each strip of paper. With a bow toward Brian Eno, I titled this piece Ostrich Strategies. The user deploys the egg like an oracle.
It refers back to my decades spent designing experiential tools for use in organizational and adult development.

It found its owner!

Artist Archives of the Western Reserve
1834 East 123rd Street
Cleveland, Ohio 44106


Jolie Compte - Stephen Calhoun  

March 16, 2023

As is the custom for the member’s show of The Artists Archive of the Western Reserve, I and tens of my colleagues have each supplied a small artwork for the 2023 exhibit.

Opens March 23, 2023
through May 7, 2023

Artist Archives of the Western Reserve
1834 East 123rd Street
Cleveland, Ohio 44106


Lasting Hearts Key Keeper II - Stephen Calhoun  

February 28, 2023

Two photographic artworks join the roster of The Cleveland Print Room’s 2023 Member Show.This will be the last exhibit in the soon-to-be legacy gallery. The Cleveland Print Room move to a new location in the spring.

Opens March 3, 2023

Cleveland Print Room
Artcraft Building
2650 Superior Ave.
Cleveland, Ohio


Tony Condos - Stephen Calhoun   February 23, 2023

Two artworks have been provided to curator Sean Mabin for a group exhibit Now That’s What I Call Art Vol. 1. The show is being presented at Parma Artspace and Gallery.

Opens February 24, 2023

Prama Artspace & gallery
5411 Pearl Rd
Parma, Ohio

Future Shock - Stephen Calhoun   January 10, 2023

Yards Project has asked me to contribute a 12×12″ artwork to their first group show of 2023, Foot Squared. Future Shock, a new iterated AI-prompt artwork will join the line-up.

Opens January 19, 2023 5:30-8pm

Worthington Yards
Johnson Ct.
Cleveland, Ohio

Stephen Calhoun - New Head trip  

January 4, 2023

New Head Trip (2022) has been juried into FRESH 2023! at Summit Art Space, Akron. I’m honored to make my third appearance in this annual show devoted to innovative art practices.

January 13—March 18, 2023

Summit Art Space
140 E Market St,
Akron, OH 44308

  December 14, 2022

On this new page is the slideshow for last summer’s contribution to the group show (at The Mansfield Art Center) The Eye’s Mind.

The Eye’s Mind
  December 2022

Gallery 202 shows and sells selected artworks from their second floor space at 78th Street. Their small showroom next to their exhibition space is a finely curated art store. Unique! Some of my favorite artists in Cleveland join me on the store’s roster, and Gallery 202 highlights all of us during the holiday season.

Gallery 202
78th Street Studios
Cleveland, Ohio
  December 2, 2022

The Heaviness of Silence will appear in the group show, Calm Spaces, Hectic Places, at The Doubting Thomas. Curated by Jamie Richey, I am honored to be in her edgy group of photographic fine artists.  The exhibit is part of the Cleveland Photo Fest. 

Decmber 9—January 2023

The Doubting Thomas Gallery
856 Jefferson Ave.
Cleveland, Ohio 
  November 1:2022

I finally supplied ten photographs to Cleveland Foto Fest’s social art project that seeks to collect and compile one million photographs. CPF is launching the first public showing of the current state of the project, 173,000+ photographs, at the Bostwick Design Gallery in Cleveland November 18. 

(November 19—last night at the opening a friend excitedly reported to me that he had discovered one of my thumbnail size photographs in one of the seven eight foot tall montages.

CPF:One Million Photographs
Bostwick Design Partners
2729 Prospect Ave East

Novemer 18—December 31, 2022
Namita's Twenty-Three Twins - Stephen Calhoun   August 22:2022

Two artworks, Namita’s 23 Sisters, and Four Observers v2, are installed in the Robert Thurmer 24th People’s Show at The Galleries at CSU.

Robert Thurmer 24th People’s Art Show
opens August 22, 2022 | closes November 26, 2022

The Galleries at CSU
1307 Euclid Avenue
Cleveland, Ohio
  August 1:2022

I’m happy to provide Dringwiya Chorus to Prama Artspace for their open call group exhibit, All Together Now!

All Together Now
opens August 26, 2022

Prama Artspace
5411 Pearl Rd
Parma, Ohio
  July 15:2022  

A fractal/generative artwork, Lightworking will be provided to WeCAN, at The Doubting Thomas Gallery in Tremont.  This group show echoes the CAN Triennial by featuring artworks refused by their cutorial team. Count me out but count me in! Actually, Lightworking wasn’t submitted to the CAN Triennial, but WeCAN curatorJohn Saile saw it, and had an empty lightbox, so, back to the Doubting Thomas Gallery I go for a second appearance in the group show of refuseniks.

opens August 12, 2022

The Doubting Thomas Gallery
856 Jefferson Ave.
Cleveland, Ohio
Stephen Calhoun - Fraternal Twins   July 12:2022  

Fraternal Twins, a mixed process, photo-generative, stochastic artwork has been accepted into the NewNow 2022 Biennial. The Artist Archive of the Western Reserve is the principal presenter. 

NewNow 2022
September 15 – October 28, 2022.

Tri-C Gallery East,
4250 Richmond Road,
Highland Hills, OH 44122

Stephen Calhoun - Dringwiwa Chorus  

July 12:2022  (update)
June 14:2022

Dringwiya Chorus is installed in the Heights Arts Member’s Show. In addition, the artwork has been selected by a Cleveland poet to respond to in an upcoming installment of the ongoing series Ekphrastacy. Because my late twin brother Timothy Calhoun was a prominent poet, I am deeply touched by this selection.

Heights Arts Member’s Show
June 17—August 14

July 21, 7:00pm
Eventbrite registration

Heights Arts Gallery
2175 Lee Road
Cleveland Heights, Ohio

  May 19:2022  

Three years ago I provided over 125 5×5” single edition prints for a pop-up exhibit at Article, Waterloo Art District. This summer this affordable art concept will be rolled out again, this time featuring 5×5/8×8/12×12 prints and small studio proofs. The pricing between $15-$150 is part of the point of the show. My art is accessible, is for all ages, and so it is always a lot of fun to add or jump start people’s collections.

Find Your Fave
Stop in ARTICLE during “The Waterloo Arts Festival “- Saturday August 27, 2022 12-6 PM
Opening Reception: Friday September 2, 2022 “Walk All Over Waterloo”
Artist’s Talk – Saturday September 3, 2022 1-3 PM
Gallery Visits – September 4-26 2022 by Appointment

15316 Waterloo Road
Cleveland, Ohio 44110

Stephen Calhoun - Sentinel IV   March 22:2022  

The Eye’s Mind, a group show comprising envelope-pushing photographic work created by Jeff Benedetto, Stephen Calhoun, Braxton Daniels III, J. Leopold Francl, Tina Gutierrez, Larry Hamill, Irv Oslin, Kate Shannon, will be exhibited at The Mansfield Art Center, Mansfield, Ohio August 28 through October 16. The exhibit will be installed in the spacious, light-filled Elizabeth T. Black Gallery, the second floor of one of Ohio’s premier exhibtion spaces. The opening is September 4.

I am super excited to have the chance to exhibit large photographic artworks in this stellar space. Because of the pandemic, I have been stockpiling the first rank of my iterative photographic body of work. Most of what I have plotted out for this exhibition will be shown for the first time. 

Exhibit runs August 28 — October 16, 2022

The Mansfield At Center
700 Marion Avenue
Mansfield, Ohio 44906

  March 01:2022  

Gallery 202 at 78th Street has invited me to provide a handful of iterative artworks rooted to botanical theme for a group show, Botanica! As it happens a substantial body of work of mine is anchored to flowers and plants, and to my backyard garden. I was happy to oblige with a selection of both large and small photographic artworks.

Exhibit runs March 18 — April 14, 2022

Gallery 202
78th Street Studios
West 8th Street, Level 2
Cleveland, Ohio

Qawwali #2 - Stephen Calhoun   March 1:2022  

Qawwali #2 is my favorite of the hundreds of radially iterated artworks I have created. It’s small, 24×24” edition has been submitted to the Artist Archives of the Western Reserve for their annual member’s show. The exhibit runs March 24—May 6, 2022.

Artist Archives of the Western Reserve
1834 East 123rd Street
Cleveland, Ohio 44106

2017—2021 News Archive

Cleveland artist Stephen Calhoun